
Body Language Tips To Use In Interviews

4 minutes

As a job seeker, you likely understand the importance of selecting the right words when comm...

As a job seeker, you likely understand the importance of selecting the right words when communicating with potential employers. However, have you considered the impact of non-verbal communication? Your body language can speak volumes during a job interview, so it's essential to know how to use it effectively. Here are some tips for letting your body do the talking during an interview.

Make a Grand Entrance

Remember that your interview may begin before you even reach the interview room. You never know who might be watching you in the car park, lift, or office window. Therefore, it's crucial to convey calmness and confidence through your body language. Avoid frantically searching through paperwork or adjusting your outfit, as this can send the wrong message.

First Impressions Matter

It's common for hiring managers to speak with receptionists to get their initial impression of interviewees. As a result, it's crucial to sit confidently and calmly during this period. Sitting with hunched shoulders or a tucked-in chin can make you seem closed off, so sit up straight and open your chest to demonstrate confidence and assertiveness.

Make sure you don't have too much on your lap. When you're called through, you want to be able to stand up gracefully to greet your interviewer without clumsily moving items aside.

Master the Handshake

Your handshake can often be the first impression your interviewer has of you, particularly if a receptionist or assistant shows you to the interview room. It's a good idea to practice your handshake with a friend before your interview. Avoid being overly aggressive or having a limp handshake. Offer your hand with the palm facing slightly up, allowing the interviewer's hand to cover yours, signifying respect. Avoid using the hand that you're not shaking with to cover the other person's hand, as it can be perceived as a sign of domination.

Maintain Eye Contact

Maintaining eye contact is an excellent way to show engagement and attentiveness during the interview. However, it's important to avoid continually staring blankly at your interviewer. Try to hold eye contact for a few seconds at a time, and if you're being interviewed by a panel, make sure to make eye contact with all members. Address the person who asked the question, then maintain eye contact with the other interviewer for a few seconds before returning your attention to the first.

Posture Is Key

Maintaining good posture is critical during a job interview. Sit up straight, plant your feet firmly on the ground, and avoid tapping your feet or shaking your legs to release nervous tension. Good posture will keep you focused on the interviewer, making you appear more engaged. Avoid sitting hunched forward or lounging with your arms and legs stretched out, as this can make you appear too relaxed. Try to avoid angling yourself towards the door, as this could give the impression that you're looking for an escape route. Instead, sit tall and lean forward slightly when answering a question to convey curiosity and engagement.

Watch Your Hands

It's common to feel unsure about what to do with your hands during an interview. Gesturing while speaking can add emotion and help you stay focused. Keeping your palms facing up signifies honesty and openness, so keep them in your lap. Avoid clenching your fists or waving your hands around while making a point, as this can make you seem nervous and unpredictable.

Smile and Be Polite

Throughout the interview, it's essential to show your personality and demonstrate attentiveness to your interviewer. Smile and nod when appropriate, and laugh when the interviewer does. Listen attentively and avoid interrupting. Ensure your tone of voice is even and polite, as being too softly spoken can come across as timid while being too loud can be seen as aggressive and domineering.

Body language plays a crucial role in how you are perceived during a job interview. By making a confident entrance, giving a strong handshake, maintaining eye contact, sitting with good posture, using appropriate gestures, and keeping a friendly smile, you can convey a positive and professional image to your interviewer. Remember that your body language can speak louder than your words, so be mindful of what your gestures are saying about you. By following these simple tips, you can make sure that your body language is working to your advantage and helping you land the job you want.

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